Posted: March 2nd, 2022

What are some of the ways in which government entities have promulgated standards and regulations to ensure public health (give at least two examples)?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Review the ANA’s Guide to Nursing’s Social Policy Statement, Download ANA’s Guide to Nursing’s Social Policy Statement,Chapter 1 (also attached below) to reflect upon and provide an answer the following: (Use chapter 1 attached below to answer the questions, you may support your statements with articles) (NO WEBSITES, NO QUOTING, IF ARTICLE USED MUCH BE PEERED REVIEWED cited and referenced) According to the ANA (and other scholars) nursing has a contract with society.What are some of the ways in which government entities have promulgated standards and regulations to ensure public health (give at least two examples)?What is the nurse’s role in these public health standards?What if the nurse does not agree with the government’s standards to ensure public health? What do you think should happen?You may support your statements with articles.
Requirements: read instruction

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