Posted: June 23rd, 2022

What are the attributes associated with a successful acquisition strategy?

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Please note that the weekly assignment questions are not short answer questions. Proper answers will generally require 2-3 paragraph responses at a minimum.
Please answer the following questions completely:
1 – What are the attributes associated with a successful acquisition strategy?
2 – What is the restructuring strategy and what are its common forms?
3 – What are the short and long term outcomes associated with the different restructuring strategies?
4 – What incentives influence firms to use international strategies?
5 – What four factors are determinants of national advantage and serve as a basis for international business-level strategies?
6 – What are some global environmental trends affecting the choice of international strategies, particularly international corporate level strategies?
7 – What are political risks and what are economic risks? How should firms approach dealing with these risks?
8 – What are two important issues that can potentially affect a firm’s ability to successfully use international strategies?

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