Posted: July 12th, 2022

What are the causes of the medical condition (thyroid disease)?

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The report should include:
Introduction as your first paragraph
Main text (no more than 3 pages)
Conclusion as your last paragraph
References [more than 3]
It is an individual research
The students have to use Microsoft word
The paper has to have the following:
Title page
Index page
Body of the paper requirements: minimum 5 pages, double space, and font #12 It has to include: Explain why you chose the topic and its relation to the material covered in this course – Concept: a short paragraph that summarizes the medical condition (thyroid disease)
– Causes: What are the causes of the medical condition (thyroid disease)?
– Symptoms and signs
Symptoms: What the patient refers to the Doctor
Signs: What the Doctor sees, measure, or listen to with instruments and maneuvers
– Diagnosis: Tools used to arrive at the diagnosis (MRI, RX, Lab…)
– Treatments
– Prognosis

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