Posted: September 29th, 2022

What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that nation?

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Imstructions attached.
– You are to have a minimum of 3 APA Levels for all sections. – As a reminder these questions below will form the major aspects of your paper and the questions are (APA Level 1 headings): You are required to have three levels throughout the entire paper. 1. From the perspective of a Hofstede Analysis, what are the differences and similarities between your selected nation and the USA? 2. What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that nation? Here, you will briefly summarize your research findings, draw substantive conclusions, and then report the implications of your research for doing business in that nation. All previously completed sections set the stage for this question. Why is your research important and how can it be used in business dealings for US managers? – The numbered outline format, as follows, should help you to build your paper successfully. Please note, however, that APA level headings are formatted differently than the outline.:
1. Research Question 1: What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? 1.1. sub-item
1.1.1. sub-item
1.1.2. sub-item
1.2. sub-item…..
2. Research Question 2
…and so forth
A major emphasis of BUSI 604 is to demonstrate how management activities in a global enterprise differ from those in a purely domestic firm. Thus, it is imperative that business school graduates have a keen awareness of the cultural environments in which global firms operate and what might be the managerial implications in such enterprises. This class provides a broad overview of Global Business, with the end result being your demonstrated competence in terms of integrating the theory with actual real-world practice. Many students in the past have added the project in this course to their professional portfolio and/or resume, as empirical proof that they are able to analyze the complex cultural issues regarding doing business in other nations.

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