Posted: June 21st, 2022

What are the main labor and/or human rights issues in developing countries?

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From each question set, answer one of the questions. The answers have to be 1-2 paragraphs long. For the “question set A,” there is a case study that needs to be used, I will attach it below. For Set B, you can find an outside source.
Questions Set A: Based on the Case (Must have at least one post based on this set)
What are the main labor and/or human rights issues in developing countries? Can developed country multinationals be held responsible for willful negligence when it comes to exploiting their supply chain partners (e.g., subcontractors in other countries)? Discuss with examples/excerpts drawn from the case and/or in light of any assigned readings.
In light of Rana Plaza, what are some social and/or human rights issues affecting the lives of a typical factory worker in a developing country?
What cultural and/or institutional factors may be different in Bangladesh (or other developing countries) compared to the US (and or other developed countries) that may be contributing to labor risks? Discuss in light of the readings assigned for the course.
Can supervision and/or unionization help to mitigate the labor risks for multinational companies (e.g., Amazon, Nike)? Discuss with examples/excerpts drawn from the case and/or in light of the assigned readings.
In light of the case and/or articles assigned, what specific risk mitigation measures can multinational companies proactively take to enhance their social and/or human rights footprint in developing markets?
Rana Plaza is not an extraordinary event; violation of labor rights is rampant in different shapes and forms across the globe contributing to social and/or human risks for multinational companies. Support or oppose this statement with reference to facts, examples, and/or comparison.
Questions Set B: Assigned Readings (Must have at least one post based on this set)
In light of any assigned readings, briefly describe the social and/or human costs of child labor. Based on your own review of external sources, how does child labor present business risk for multinational companies in a globalized world?
In light of the assigned readings, what are some of the financial and/or operational risks of supply chain disruptions? Based on your own review of external sources, what advice do you have for a multinational company’s manager to mitigate such risks?

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