Posted: February 16th, 2022

What are the most critical elements of your data story that need to be communicated?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Please respond to the two peers below:Refining Your Data StoryTo deliver an effective Board Brief and presentation, you will need to display your data to decision makers in a way that is easy to understand. Respond to the prompts below: What are the most critical elements of your data story that need to be communicated? Explain.
How will you organize and share your data so that it tells a clear and compelling story? (See p. 107 of Davenport & Kim for a list of types of visual graphics used to present data)
Select two data display techniques discussed by Duarte in Chapter 6 and/or Chapter 7 and use them to present two important data sets from your analysis.
1.Andrea Phillips RE: Week 5 Discussion COLLAPSEHello Professor & Classmates, What are the most critical elements of your data story that need to be communicated? Explain. Improving first call resolution, also known as FCR is critical to our customer satisfaction. When we handle a customer’s call, email, question, or complaint during their first outreach we can’t afford to under-deliver on first call resolution this is often equated to poor customer service. The spillover effects from an unresolved customer complaint or issue are too threatening to ignore — 67% of customer’s list poor customer service as their primary reason for churning. (1). Solving for a customer’s pain point — ideally the first time the customer reaches out about the problem can mean the difference between customer retention and customer churn. If you can address the concerns of a customer in a swift and friendly way, you might be able to turn a potential detractor into a possible promoter for your business. On average, the dissatisfied customer will tell up to 15 people about a negative experience with a business, so making the interaction positive and helpful the first time around might negate any pre-call frustration or post-call chaos.
How will you organize and share your data so that it tells a clear and compelling story? (See p. 107 of Davenport & Kim for a list of types of visual graphics used to present data) I will use a Scatterplot and Network Diagram to show the inter-relationship between low AHT, FCR and low NPS Scores
Select two data display techniques discussed by Duarte in Chapter 6 and/or Chapter 7 and use them to present two important data sets from your analysis.
Using a Scatterplot to show the relationship between 2 variables and network diagram showing the relationship between First Call Resolution and different entities that can play a pivotal role in the customer journey,References
Scatterplot.docx (326.356 KB) 2, Sudharshan Prahallada RE: Week 5 DiscussionCOLLAPSEFor my Initiative which is an opportunity for us to grow in an unchartered territory in the Housing Market or building next generation community using apple’s technologies including Apple’s Home Kit Platform. What are the most critical elements of your data story that need to be communicated? Explain.Since this is an initiative which we want to peruse we need a platform which can put all our data in one bucket and be available on demand. We need data from all apple devices, especially from iPhone. It will be used to identify the end user to upload all the data we require to identify the end user. The app which we are planning to call as iHaaS will get data not only from iPhone but from all other devices which customers are using for now only apple devices.
With a Revenue of $10 billion for Apple Home and Accessories division for the first Quater of 2020, apple is getting closure to be leader in home Accessories which will help them with the House as a Service Initiative.Apple has shipped around $43.4 Billion units of wearable devices which are being used to interact with Apple home kit. Also, around 70% of its wearables are new customers meaning it is also hitting the new customers not only retaining the existing customers. We ask the user to sign in to iHaaS app.
It will have end users details along with his search results shown with regards to houses or locations they are looking for.
We will then customize the data specific to the end user and offer them the choice of choosing a plot at one of our apple cities.
Once they select the plot with their required dimension, we will provide them with options to customize no bedrooms/bathrooms etc.
As our apple city is completely based on Solor we will ask them for additional details on how many EV they have, or they plan to get one in future. (Apple car)
A layout will be provided to them on how the proposed house in apple city looks like and ask for confirmation for pricing.
Pricing will include everything so our customers just must move in removing hassle to find the relator and other key resources in the buying process.
For finance they will use the existing apple card at 1% interest rate max as we will have vendors who would be taking care of it. No strings attached.
How will you organize and share your data so that it tells a clear and compelling story? (See p. 107 of Davenport & Kim for a list of types of visual graphics used to present data)Planning to use apple in house reporting methodology to share the data with our consumers. They will be able to see the report themselves without our intervention.
Select two data display techniques discussed by Duarte in Chapter 6 and/or Chapter 7 and use them to present two important data sets from your analysis.I would use Charts/Pie and Scatterplot unfortunately i do not have all data to show for this project as this is an aspirational project.
Apple-Q3-2018-product-share-900×0-c-default.png (900×763) (
screen-shot-2011-08-02-at-8-2-6-08.png (551×306) (
R.2e361d43be366319fc28adc84e5e3ce3 (788×555) (
ReferencesJWI 599 – Videos and Reference Articles.-Sudi
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