Posted: October 17th, 2022

What are the political differences?

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For this Final essay I chose the topic US Starbucks vs Serbian Starbuck comparison
Choose a company (e.g., Starbucks, IBM, Walmart, McDonalds, GE) that has operations both in the US and another country/continent (for example, you can be more general and examine GE North America vs. GE Middle East; or be more specific and examine Starbucks US vs. Starbucks Turkey).
Describe the business activities of the company in the US
What strategies is the firm pursuing in the US?
Describe the business activities of the company in the other country/continent
What mode of entry did they use to go into that market? Why?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of this strategy?
Explain the key differences between countries/continents
What are the cultural differences?
What are the political differences?
Explain how these differences would influence the behaviors of an American manager moving to this country/continent.
Provide practical and specific recommendations and suggestions US manager moving to the country/continent as an expatriate (e.g., how to manage employees, how to treat customers etc.)
Are there any political risk factors in the US and the other country?
What are the suggested ways of handling these risk factors?
Concluding remarks
The final paper should address all these points and be approximately 7-10 pages long, double-spaced, excluding references and exhibits (if any).

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