Posted: July 18th, 2022

What are the strategic choices available?

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After reading the case study and other available information carefully, prepare a two page (double-spaced) essay addressing the following questions. When composing your essay, do not simply list the question and provide an answer, but rather compose a narrative essay that responds to the questions.
What are the strategic choices available?
What are the driving forces behind the choices?
Describe the impact of its current financial status on its decision.
What types of goods or services is Compsis best at providing?
What have been the international business successes of Compsis? Why were they successful?
What have been the international business failures of Compsis? What caused the failure?
What markets are available to Compsis?
Discuss the barriers to entry into the United States market. Cite references to material that you use in preparing the essay.
This case study present a business considering expansion. What are the motivations for expanding? What are the possible paths? What are the implications?
Leadership Skills, by MTD Training, pages 21-38. Available directly from the course homepage.
Compsis at a Crossroads, a case study by Lehrich, M. J., Paredes, P. J., & Ravikumar, R., pages 1-17. Available as a free download directly from the course homepage.

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