Posted: October 17th, 2022

What becomes of the character(s)?

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Hopefully we are now becoming more critical of our surroundings and asking ourselves ‘What is
the meaning of this?’ For this assignment you are to review a film about a business or organization
and apply materials covered to this point in the semester to what is being represented in the movie. I
have included some possible films at the end of these guidelines, however, you are not limited to
that list. You may choose any film, however, some type of business or organization should play a
prominent role in the plot.
As you watch, you should be mindful of what is being presented on the film. What is the
relationship between the characters? How are the characters connected to the business or
organization? What issues, with regard to institutional logics, organization, structure, etc., do they
face in the film that you are reviewing? What becomes of the character(s)? What becomes of the
organization? Are the main characters/business/organization linked with other business and
organizations; i.e. how do they interact in different environments or fields? Take notes and take
time to reflect upon your thoughts.
The guidelines are:
-Follow a general essay format by setting up your analysis with a brief description of the film. DO
NOT provide a detailed, segment-by-segment account of the film.
-Focus on one or two concepts we have discussed from the readings. Many of the concepts have
appeared in more than one reading. Do not try to include too many concepts as this is a short
assignment that cannot cover everything.
-Provide examples from the film that relate to your topic of interest.
-Conclude with a reflection of what the film tells us about businesses and organizations in society.
Does it provide a fair assessment? Support your position.
NOTE: Avoid documentaries as the purpose of the assignment is to see how networks and
studios represent a business and organizations. Your analysis should be specific to the film so to
illustrate how messages are presented in concise formats. As we have discussed, media is formulaic
but you should not use space to compare your film to others. Also note that plagiarism (copying
from the internet or other sources) will result in a zero grade.
Possible options for the assignment:
Brazil (1985) UNC library
Tucker: The man and his dream (1988) UNC library / On-line
Margin Call (2011) UNC library (explicit)
The Big Short (2015) UNC library
The Founder (2016) UNC library
Executive Suite (1954) UNC library video cassette
Patterns (1956) YouTube
Network UNC library video cassette
Wall Street (1987/2007) UNC library
Rollerball (1975) UNC library
How to succeed in business without really trying (1967) tubi
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) (explicit) UNC library / On-line
Too Big To Fail (2011) UNC library
Money Ball (2011) UNC library
Sunshine Cleaning (2008) UNC library
Office Space (1999) UNC library
Gung Ho (1986) UNC library
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) UNC library

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