Posted: October 11th, 2022

What can sodexo do to successfully recruit immigrant candidates?

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files. 1) Discuss the pros and cons of Sodexo approaching OPG and trying to get it to change its security protocols in order to facilitate recruitment.
2) What are the pros and cons of paying employees for their travel time through security to get to the workplace?
3) How could Sodexo maintain employee engagement during the hiring process while waiting for security clearance, which could take between six and eight weeks? What are the cost implications for each alternative?
4) Many candidates who apply for work in the service industry are immigrant workers who may actually have developed skills in other areas but need experience and time to promote themselves. Furthermore, English may be their second language and these candidates may not have the requisite number of years in Canada (four years) to be eligible for the security clearance. What can Sodexo do to successfully recruit immigrant candidates?
5) What should Sodexo do to improve its chances of hiring the best employees at OPG?

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