Posted: May 2nd, 2022

What causes atoms to attract one another?

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For this Case assignment, you will view the following tutorial on ionic and covalent bonds. Your essay should follow APA formatting and be no longer than 21/2 pages, not counting the title and reference page. A minimum of three scholarly references should be included:
Got Science? (2015, November 15). Ionic and covalent bonds made easy [Video]. YouTube.
1. What causes atoms to attract one another?
2. Why is that attraction not always “even” or balanced? Provide an example.
3. Define ionic and covalent bonds.
4. Explain the difference regarding how electrons are shared in these bonds.
5. Can there be more than one type of bond in a molecule? Explain.
6. Select any compound that consists of either ionic or covalent bonds. Describe how this type of bonding contributes to the characteristics of your chosen compound.
7. Research the latest studies on chemical bonding (within the last 5 years); summarize one article with a focus on chemical bonds.

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