Posted: November 16th, 2022

What decision would you make if you were the human

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Please complete these two separate assignment. Kindly complete the work assessemnt first as that is due today.The case study is due on the 13th.
The work assessment is due today.This is the link:
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The question for the case study is as follows:
Case Study #2
Please complete the following case study. You can answer in point form if
you wish. Minimum word count is 250 and maximum is 750. Spelling and
grammar do count.
A large metropolitan hospital in Ontario recently developed an employment
equity program. Under the program, the hospital agreed to promote two
women into supervisory ranks for each man promoted. This practice was to
continue until 40 to 45 percent of all supervisory jobs in the hospital were
held by women. The need for the first supervisory promotion occurred in the
medical records department. The manager of medical records was one of the
few female managers in the hospital. Nevertheless, she argued that Roy
Biggs should become a medical records supervisor, as he was best qualified.
Roy had two years of medical school and was a graduate of a medical
records program at the local community college. The assistant director of
hospital operations agreed that Roy should get the promotion. The equal
employment compliance specialist in the human resource department
argued that Kate VanDam should get the promotion, because of the
employment equity program and because she had more seniority and
experience in the department than Roy. The records manager, the assistant
administrator, and the compliance specialist decided that the human
resource manager should make the final decision.
a. What are the implications for the equity program if Roy gets
the job? What are the implications for the employees
presently taking job-related courses if Kate gets the
b. What decision would you make if you were the human
resource manager?
Due date: Nov 16, 2021 – 11:59pm

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