Posted: June 21st, 2022

What defines company success? Is it financially viable or beneficial to the community?

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Please review the attached Homeboy Industries: Redefining Social Responsibility case and provide a written report (no more than 3 pages) on the case that includes the following:
1. An overview of what the case is about.
2. Answer the following questions:
Question 1. What defines company success? Is it financially viable or beneficial to the community?
Question 2. How does a non-profit build and benefit from a brand?
Question 3. How does a company manage its portfolio to balance the interests of stakeholders?
Question 4. Who is the real entrepreneur at Homeboy? Is it the community of Boyle Heights? Father Boyle? or Tom Vozzo?
Question 5. How can diverse perspectives in organizational ethics be resolved to provide a coherent strategy? Provide your point of view on how YOU will resolve the managerial policies and social responsibilities of homeboys industries.

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