Posted: April 6th, 2022

What factors make a successful program?

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This week you read about a variety of different programs designed to make a cultural shift to help Americans become healthier and reduce body weight.  For your initial post you should consider the following questions:
1- What factors make a successful program?  Provide examples from at least one of the programs in the reading to support your answer.
2-What areas might need to be improved upon?  Provide examples from at least one of the programs in the reading to support your answer.
3- Are programs such as the ones you read about the best way to affect cultural change?  What might be other alternatives to get people to move toward healthier habits?
4-How do personal barriers that have been discussed in previous weeks impact the success of social change?
5- If you were to implement your own program what would it look like?  Provide enough detail for us to see your vision (your answer should be at least 2-3 paragraphs).

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