Posted: February 19th, 2022

. What health care practices does this culture embrace that may be different than Western Medicine?

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Hello there, I’m a student nurse and have this assignment due for my OB course. It has to be Minimum of 5 pages, not including title and reference page.
3 refrences from Peer-reviewed academic journals within 5 yrs.
The conclusion must be logical and flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
1. Pick a culture and topic associated with maternal health.
( Introduction- provide sufficient background on the topic and preview major points. Cultural Beliefs and Practices. Core Values )
2. What health care practices does this culture embrace that may be different than Western Medicine?
3. Where do the women have babies, and who attends the birth?
4. What are the special practices to support the mom or new baby?
5. How does this culture precieve current health practices in this country (USA)?
a. Hospital based care
b. Family/home based care
c. Medication vs. Home remedies
6. How can the RN incorporaties culturally competent care of this patient into ones nursing practice?
7. The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.

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