Posted: June 6th, 2022

What is a core competence?

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The essay’s subject is competences, and how large, listed
companies profit from employee competences. I wish that the essay concentrates on
large IT sector companies (like Google, BIG4, Apple, IBM) and their competences.
A short introduction to the subject (half-page maximum) and a summary. These
matters should be covered:
– What is competence?
o What is a core competence?
o How do large companies profit from employee
– What is knowledge management?
– How much of a company’s value is based on core
– What is a skills shortage, and how does it affect
– Why is it better to develop employees’
competences rather than hiring new people?
o How can a company or a manager encourage and
motivate employees to learn?
– Difference of competence and competency (no more
than a 1/3 to ½ pages)
The report should have around eight to ten pages. Here are a few references that I would like to include in
the essay:

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