Posted: February 22nd, 2022

What Is a Hotel Market Study?

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What Is a Hotel Market Study?
Hotel Market Study is an analysis of hotels in a geographical market to provide meaningful insights that include major market trends, competitive performance, environmental forces and opportunities, and the uniqueness of the hotel market.
What Is the Purpose of This Assignment?
It is designed to provide each student an opportunity to have an industry-level analytic experience with live data. According to STR, after completing this assignment, you can say that you have analytical experience with live data in your job interview and shows your work. LSUS purchases the data each year and shares it with our current students for free. I hope you take advantage of this opportunity.
Which Market?
You will perform a hotel market study for Chicago, USA.
Will I use Specific Data to Conduct a Market Study? And Where Can I Find It?
Yes, you will need to analyze the reports and data files to conduct your market study. These reports and data files are available:
Chicago, USA (if chosen): See the “Hotel Live Data-Chicago, USA” attached.
Will I Use Information/Data from Other Resources (e.g., Google)?
For ONLY two sections (“Market Introduction” and “Uniqueness of the Market”), you will need to search for information/data from other resources (e.g., Google). For the remaining sections, you will need to use the reports and data files provided attached.
Should I Cite?
Outside information/data–you need to cite them. However, the formal APA style and the reference list in a separate slide are NOT necessary. You can simply put the organization or author’s name and date (e.g., U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021).
Hotel Market StudyPART A (120 points)
Contents should be summarized.
PART A must be prepared in a Microsoft PowerPoint file (.pptx or .ppt).
Minimum 14 slides; Maximum 15 slides (see below for details)
Title, Table of Contents(2slides)
Market Introduction (2 slides)you may include map, economic statistics, tourism/hospitality demand generators, size, etc.
The Uniqueness of the Market (1 slide)
Explain why the market is unique (e.g., Las Vegas market is unique because it is an internationally renowned major resort city, known primarily for its gambling, shopping, fine dining
Explain why the investigation of this market is meaningful for hospitality/tourism practitioners
4.     General Makeup (4 slides)
Properties and rooms by submarket (tables or graphs)
Properties and rooms by class or scale (tables or graphs)
Properties and rooms by chain (tables or graphs)
Hotels of interestIdentify them and explain why the hotels are interesting
5.     Current Statistics (1slide) (tables)
6.     Trended Data (4slides)
Supply & Demand Percent Change (line graphs)
Actual Supply & Demand (line graphs)
Occupancy & ADR Percent Change (line graphs)
Actual Occupancy and ADR (line graphs)
Hotel Market StudyPART B (150 points)
Contents should be summarized.
PART B must be prepared in a Microsoft PowerPoint file (.pptx or .ppt).
Use the same PPT file you have used in PART A. For example, if your PART A consists of 14 PPT slides, you can continue PART B from the 15th slide.
Minimum 18 slides; Maximum 19 slides (PART B only) (see below for details)
Minimum 32 slides; Maximum 34 slides (PART A plus PART B)
7.     Market Breakdown (6slides)
By Submarket Supply & Demand Percent Change (bar graphs)
By Submarket Occupancy & ADR Percent Change (bar graphs)
By Submarket Actual Occupancy and ADR (bar graphs)
By Class Supply & Demand Percent Change (bar graphs)
By Class Occupancy & ADR Percent Change (bar graphs)
By Class Actual Occupancy and ADR (bar graphs)
8.     Comparable Markets (4 slides)
Identify the comparable markets and explain why you choose those markets
The subject market vs. Comparable Markets Supply & Demand Percent Change (bar graphs)
The subject market vs. Comparable Markets Occupancy & ADR Percent Change (bar graphs)
The subject market vs. Comparable Markets Actual Occupancy & ADR (bar graphs)
9.       Types of Business (8 slides)
Weekday vs. Weekend Actual Occupancy (bar graphs) Weekday vs. Weekend Actual ADR (bar graphs)
Actual Occupancy by Day of Week (bar graphs)
Actual ADR by Day of Week (bar graphs)
Historic Occupancy Seasonality (line graphs)
Historic ADR Seasonality (line graphs)
Group/Transient Demand Mix (line graphs)
Group and Transient Actual ADR (line graphs)
Hotel Market StudyPART C (90 points)
Contents should be summarized.
PART C must be prepared in a Microsoft PowerPoint file (.pptx or .ppt).
Use the same PPT file you have used in PART A and B. For example, if your PART A and B consist of 32 PPT slides, you can continue PART C from the 33rd slide.
Minimum 7 slides; Maximum 8 slides (PART C only) (see below for details)
Minimum 39 slides; Maximum 42 slides (PART A and B plus PART C)
10.  Pipeline Data (3 slides)
Historic Supply Growth by Scale for the Last Five Years (bar graphs)
Rooms Existing and in Pipeline by Scale and Phase (bar graphs)
Development, Rooms in Pipeline (no Existing Rooms) by Scale and Phase (bar graphs)
11.Summary, Takeaways, Looking Ahead, and For the Future (4 slides)
Hotel Market StudyPART D (Video Presentation) (40 points)
You will present for the summary of PART A, B, and C. Videotape your presentation and submit a recorded file (a maximum of 15 minutes in length; a Maximum of 100 MB). Students need to figure out how to videotape their presentations on their own (Tip: You may watch some YouTube videos to learn how to use Zoom to record your presentation).
PART D should be a MAX of 15 minutes in length (a MAX of 100 MB).
To count as an acceptable video, your video must be uploaded and working properly prior to the deadline. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure your video is working properly by the deadline.
Common file types are mp4 or wmv. Other file types will also be accepted as long as the video works.

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