Posted: October 2nd, 2022

What is a typical platelet count?

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Blood clotting is one of nature’s most elegant creations, but it sometimes goes awry. Use your knowledge of different types of blood cells and the chemical aspects of the clotting process to answer the following:
a) After getting his blood cell count, Josh was informed that his platelet count was low. What is a typical platelet count? How would Josh’s low platelet count impact his hemostasis after getting a cut on his forearm? (Be very specific)
b) Briefly explain the different roles of the three stages of the intrinsic blood clotting pathway
c) Explain how any event that prevents plasminogen from becoming fully activated would lead to a thromboembolic disorder. Identify all the chemicals that directly activate plasminogen.
d) Identify the two most common types of the genetic disorder called hemophilia. Explain how each of two types of hemophilia result in impaired hemostasis.
e) Explain how the endocrine system contributes to the homeostasis of blood oxygen levels

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