Posted: March 11th, 2022
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Outline:( include this point in the essay)
. What is leukemia and discuss the pathophysiology
. Discuss AML , signs and symptoms
.leukemia in WHO and Epidemiology and incidences of AML worldwide and then specify kuwait/uk and malta, include algorithms.
.treatment of AML and it’s managment is details (bulk of the research)
.stem cells transplantation, protien kinase (mechanisms).
. Compare the treatments plans between kuwait/uk and malta.
Paper details:
• Essays must be between 4000 and 8000 words (not including abstract or references) • Essays must be word-processed, double-spaced throughout on one side of standard A4 paper. • Text shall be written on one side of the page only. • Sections should be numbered by chapter as the first digit and sub-headings by up to three more digits (for example section is in chapter 2) if required. • Figures must not be embedded in the text (use a separate page for figures though two figures may be presented on the same page). • Figures must be clearly legible and the source acknowledged by citation. • Figures should be presented with a figure legend beneath the figure which clearly describes the figure. • Body Text: double-spaced with margins at least 2.5 cm wide; typescriipt on one side of numbered A4 sheets, use the font “Arial” 11 pt; justified • References: title the first page of the bibliography “REFERENCES” only on the first line. Do not add a section number. • The page order should be as follows: Title page to include title, author and tutor names with space for the tutor’s signature. Abstract(<250words)+up to 6 keywords Table of contents List of figures Body text References • Careful proof-reading of the paper for spelling errors and typographical mistakes is expected. • Cited references should be those papers the student has actually read. It is recommend to use a tool such as EndNote, Reference Manager or Refworks. for reference management and formatting. Both the in-text and references citations should be in the Acta Physiologica style. CITATIONS IN THE TEXT In the text, cite references by name of the authors and the year of publication (Brenner & Brenner 1988). If there are more than two authors use (Brenner et al., 1988). CITATIONS IN THE REFERENCES In the bibliography at the end of the paper, references should be listed in alphabetical order of the (first) authors. References by the same author should be listed in chronological order.
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