Posted: November 21st, 2022

What is the eoq and reorder point with safety stock for strike disinfectant given your answer to question 1?

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Case questions:
What are good estimates of order cost and inventory-holding cost? (State all assumptions and show all computations.)
What is the EOQ and reorder point with safety stock for Strike Disinfectant given your answer to question 1?
Compute the total order and inventory-holding costs for a fixed-quantity system (FQS) and compare to the current order Q’s. Can you save money by adopting an FQS?
What are your final recommendations, including what you would recommend regarding regular and special orders, the state bidding system, and overall control of the university materials-management system? Explain the reasoning for your recommendations.
This is a Business Report, not an essay! You may use bullet points.
In one paragraph or less summarize the salient issue(s) in the case. Do not duplicate what is in the case itself.
The body of the report addresses the questions in the case in a clear, concise and cohesive manner. This report should be business like, structured and methodical. Please note: each question should become a section title, with sub-titltes as needed for multi-part responses.
The responses are expected to utilize the topics introduced in this course.
Parameters of this assignment:
Use external references in APA style format.
Write as if you are employed by the subject company and writing an internal report. No need to cite internal sources (e.g. the Case Study).
Write in the present tense. You are solving this case as a current-day project.
Write as a formal document, avoid 1st person (i.e. “I” or “We”).
Keep extensive calculations, spreadsheets, etc. in an appendix to the report, and refer to it in the body.

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