Posted: February 22nd, 2022

What is the fundamental connection between criminal offenses and morality?

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A reflective essay is a type of writing that requires the author to inform the reader about his or her attitude, idea, or impression regarding a given topic. The purpose of a reflective essay is to analyze your ideas and opinions about any topic or current event. A reflective essay is supposed to reveal your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and opinions. In addition, reflective essays may be pointed to answer specific questions.  For your first reflective essay assignment, you will answer ONE of the following questions based on the article “Morals and the Criminal Law” by Richard C. Fuller. You can locate this article in your lesson folder Chapter 1: Crime, Criminal Justice, and Criminology.
1.    What is the fundamental connection between criminal offenses and morality? How does the two overlap each other with respect to how the criminal justice system operates? Why does conflict arise between acts that are criminal but not morality unacceptable? Explain.
2.    Richard Fuller stated that “the degree to which the sphere of conduct defined as criminal coincides with the sphere defined as immoral depends upon the relative homogeneity of moral values within the society represented in any political jurisdiction.” What did Fuller mean by this statement? What are ways the government can create laws that are morally sound without isolating the minority? Explain.
3.     What is the difference between criminal offenses that satisfy society’s moral “minima” and criminal offenses that satisfies society’s ameliorative problems? Why does criminal offenses involving ameliorative dialogue exist? What are examples of each? Explain.
When answering the question of your choosing, it is expected that you formulate an opinion based on the information obtained in the article. Therefore, I suggest you take a lot of notes while reading this article. Stay away from hunches when answering the question. You must be able to support your position with facts or representations in the article.  Your reflection is expected to be formatted as follows:
a)    Well-structured essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
b)    Paper must be AT MINIMUM two (2) pages.
c)    Edited and free of grammatical errors and misspellings.
d)    Times New Roman, size 12 font.
e)    Double spaced with one-inch margins.
f)     Paper must be in PDF format.

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