Posted: October 6th, 2022

What is the objective of the WTO?

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1) What is the objective of the WTO? To what degree has it achieved that objective? What has been the growth rate of global trade since the WTO was created? How does the World Bank compare with Chinese Development Bank?
2) Some groups of nations are forming trade blocs, like North America or Europe. Are regional trade blocs good for global trade or not? Do bilateral trade agreements such as USMCA, EU, and Mercosur undercut the WTO? Support your argument.
3) Discuss where robotics, social media, and gene editing (CRISPR) are on the hype cycle. How does its placement affect other pieces within the hype cycle? Provide an example that supports your ideas. Include one source in your response.
4) Considering the placement of artificial intelligence (AI) on the hype cycle, discuss an industry that could be disrupted by AI and explain the cause of that disruption. Provide a specific example to illustrate your ideas

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