Posted: May 14th, 2022

What is the process of strategic management?

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Write a 5- 10 page executive summary of your textbook (and/or the course) around the key ideas that you think will be useful in your professional practice. I’d like to see you personalize the knowledge with your own lived experience and reflect on possible applications of that knowledge. You can include visuals, charts, or any other tool that helps distill information into memorable form. Make the knowledge your own. It should be in essay format with a coherent structure and narrative.
Examples of topics you can address: What is the process of strategic management? Why is it an art and a science? What are the three leading perspectives in strategy? What explains the performance of organizations across and within industries? How is strategy crafted? How would you characterize good strategy? What principles of strategic management are useful in the management of your career? How are the principles of strategic management useful for employees who may not be executives? What makes an executive a good leader? Why? What are the characteristics of a good top management team (TMT)? Why?
The above are the essay requirements, The following files are some of the resources I found, and I hope to include and write the origin of this resource (I put the book’s name on the file) in the essay as much as possible.

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