Posted: July 18th, 2022

What is the RQ? Passenger willing to fly based on the age of the pilot. (25 years old vs 50 years old)

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1. What is the RQ? Passenger willing to fly based on the age of the pilot. (25 years old vs 50 years old)
Week 2 Overview
This week, you will need to focus on the topic that you chose last week and start
conducting a review/search for previous scientific literary contributions, such as
journal articles. You will then write up a review of all the literature that you found and
lay a foundation for the rest of your paper. You should familiarize yourself with the
guidelines of APA and utilize that format throughout the rest of the course including
referencing articles.
Learning Objectives
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
• Conduct a search of previous literature using Google Scholar and other library
• Understand the connection between the literature review and hypothesis
• Understand how the literature review guides the researcher’s predictions
• Present a detailed report of the findings of the literature search using current
APA formatting
• Discuss challenges and solutions when conducting a literature review
What Is a Literature Review? Lecture
Understanding a Lit Review
A literature review is not going to be on your exact topic. The whole point of research
is to study something that hasn’t been researched before. So, if you are studying
willingness to fly based on age, you would start by doing some research on age, i.e.,
how does age affect decision making and perceptions? Are older people more likely
to choose A over B or B over A? Use that literature to help guide your hypothesis.
Then, look at what other research has been done in the field of willingness to fly.
There are plenty of papers to cite.
Also, don’t make claims or matter-of-fact statements without citations to back it up.
Research is about studying the data and not interjecting your own opinion
beforehand. A literature review is a review of all the current literature on the topic, not
your opinion on the topic. In the discussion section later, you can infer from the data
that something may be happening because of xyz reason, and that is your educated
inference, but do make bold claims out of thin air.
A lit review provides a foundation for the study and helps guide your
predictions/hypothesis of what you anticipate to come of your data. It is a step-by-
step process that involves the identification of published and unpublished work from
secondary data sources on the topic of interest, the evaluation of this work in relation
to the problem, and the documentation of this work. It ensures that no important
variable is overlooked in the process of defining the problem.
Keys to a good literature review:
• Ensure important variables likely to influence study are not left out
• Establish a clear idea of what variables will be most important to consider
(parsimony), why they are important, and how they should be investigated to
solve the problem
• Help the development of the theoretical framework and hypothesis for
• Add precision and clarity to the problem statement
• Enhance testability and replicability of the current research findings
• Avoid the risk of “reinventing the wheel”
• Determine that the problem to be investigated is perceived by the scientific
community as relevant and significant
Dissecting a Research Article
The first thing you need to do is identify the article’s problem/issue. Is it a clearly
defined problem? Is its significance of why this study holds value (scope, severity,
relevance) clearly established?
Once you have identified that, you need to determine if this article’s RQ/purpose will
help you make a more scientific prediction of your own study.

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