Posted: October 17th, 2022

What is the significance of the findings and conclusions?

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Objective: Examine, analyze, and evaluate a research study related to public health policy, epidemiological research, or healthcare administration. Present the information in a cohesive, organized video poster presentation.
The purpose of this assignment is to review a research study in-depth and to decide whether or not it is a valid research study that can be used in practice. It includes your evaluation of the study, not just a summary of the study.
A research critique demonstrates your ability to critically evaluate an investigative study. For this assignment, choose an original or primary research study published within the past five years related to public health policy, epidemiological research, or healthcare administration. Your chosen research study must contain graphics and data.
You will submit your critique in the form of a poster as a way of communicating information in a clear and uncomplicated manner. Be sure that your poster is easily readable and visually appealing with engaging elements such as graphs or figures. You will then present the poster via video.
You must include the article with your assignment submission.
On your poster, you will provide a brief introduction to your presentation (background). Introduce your research study. Begin by presenting a general overview of the research question, study background, purpose, and sampling methods.
Important: Remember to evaluate the study. Do not simply copy/paste from the study. Provide the information required below and comment on it (see example templates).
Research Problem/Purpose Describe the problem as it is presented in the study.
State the purpose of the research.
Have the investigators placed the study problem within the context of existing healthcare knowledge?
Will the study solve a problem relevant to health care?
What is the research question or the hypothesis? Is it clearly stated or is it implied? What are the independent and dependent variables in the hypothesis or research question?
Is the dependent variable concrete and measurable?
Study Background
Identify the concepts explored in the literature review.
Does the research draw only on healthcare-related theory, or does it draw on theory from other disciplines?
What type of design (quantitative or qualitative) was used in this study?
State the sample size and study population, sampling method, and study setting.
Discuss the reliability and the validity (quantitative) or the credibility (qualitative) of the measurement tools.
How were ethical considerations addressed? What ethical considerations were necessary for this type of study?
What is the significance of the findings and conclusions?
What are the strengths and limitations of the study other than those stated by the authors?
Can the researcher generalize the findings to other populations? Explain.
What is a potential follow-up study based on the conclusions?
It is easiest to create the poster in PowerPoint as one slide; use one of the templates provided, but feel free to arrange the content as you see fit. You may also use another appropriate presentation tool.

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