Posted: August 2nd, 2022

What is the use of IF ELSE IF- ELSE statement?

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Assignment Questions:
Write a C# program to get a number from the user and print whether it is positive or negative.
What is the use of IF ELSE IF- ELSE statement? Explain with suitable example also write syntax for IF ELSE IF statement What do you mean by nested if statement. Write syntax and explain with one suitable program.
What is an operator in C#. Explain all the important Logical Operator, Relational Operator, and Assignment Operator also write program using all the operator. Write a program to calculate the monthly water bill, tariff as per the following rule: Minimum OMR 2.0 for up to 70 Units. Plus OMR. 0.45 Per unit for next 70 units. Plus OMR. 0.35 Per unit for next 60 units. Plus OMR. 0.20 Per unit for beyond 200 units. The marks obtained by a student in any course are input by the user. The student gets a grade as per the following rules: 80 or above-A Grade 70 to 79—–B Grade
60 to 69—-C Grade
Less the 60 FAIL Write a C# program to find the grade of the student using Switch Case statement.
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