Posted: February 23rd, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.1] Review the lecture on the Perfect Paragraph and then use the outline below to create body paragraph #2. Remember that your paragraph is a minimum of 10 sentences. Each of the sentences is outlined below. Each sentence must be a complete sentence with a subject, verb and complete thought with a period at the end.Put your paragraph into correct paragraph format. If you don’t know what that is, go to modules and click on week 4 and I have a sample called paragraph format to help you.Body paragraph #2 is about how people dislike unconscious decision making, but it can be very good. Go back and look at the ideas you created in Discussion 4A to help you :)1] What is unconscious decision making?Unconscious decision making is a process that is largely linked to unconscious mental activity, and in most cases the outcome is usually predicted from that unconscious activity. The decision may be made some seconds before a person consciously makes a decision, like during an emergency situation when one reacts in an impulse. More than 90% of our decisions are made unconsciously. 2] Why do people often dislike unconscious decision making?People dislike unconscious decisions because they always wish to be in control of their environment and decisions they make. Their desire to make logical and rational choices without being compelled to do so. People thus have a habit of justifying their choices.3] What is thin-slicing?It refers to the process through which the brain unconsciously establishes patterns in various situations based on thin slices of an individual’s experience. Decisions made in this process are more accurate compared to those ones made after gathering a lot of information.4] How is it different from conscious/deliberate thinking?Thin-slicing is different from conscious thinking in that it is more like making a thoughtful and informed decision without passing through the process of thinking. The instinctive decision is arrived at after narrowing down the information clutter.6] Why might thin slicing be preferable?Thin-slicing is more preferred as it does not involve too much information. Additionally, no one has to plan to thin-slice every time they want to make a decision. Being an intuitive process that has a high accuracy rate, thin-slicing is the best way of decision making, especially in clinical studies.7] Making unconscious decisions – write down 6 reasons a person might dislike unconscious decision making1] Unconscious thinkers can easily fall prey to biases, which can distort their decision2] Emotions can cloud the person’s judgement and rush into making undesirable choices, probably due to fear, particularly in unconscious decision making.3] The process makes people feel as if they are enslaved to their mind, like people who are addicted to a particular habit such as smoking or gambling. They would easily find themselves engaged in the habit even without thinking about it.4] In some cases, unconscious decision-making leads to negative outcomes as people may forgo important opportunities.5] Incidental emotions like anger can easily carry over a particular situation into another situation thus affecting the decision in the subsequent one. For instance, an individual who was hurt previously can have their incidental anger triggered and overreact in the current situation thus blaming people who have nothing to do with his/her pein. When uncontrolled, such unconscious thinking overridden with incidental emotions has landed many in prison.6] The pattern established by an individual’s unconscious decision making can lead them to develop undesirable courses in life or lose hope altogether, especially when they find themselves in bad situations.8] Success making unconscious decisions – write down 6 reasons a person might do very well with unconscious decision making1] If accustomed to thin-slicing, a person will have a high chance of success in decision-making2] When faced with a tough decision, it is better to “sleep on it.” This would allow the brain to unconsciously break it down and prepare the mind for conscious decision making.3] Success is high when one does not overload the mind with decisions concerning routine tasks, which can be accomplished unconsciously4] One can be successful in making unconscious decisions if they learn how to keep their emotions under control, especially in heated situations such as road rage.5] It is crucial to engage conscious thinking when making important decisions that would allow the brain to make accurate decisions unconsciously. For instance, one may have to cut close ties with friends who engage in binge drinking and smoking when he/she is struggling to quit smoking or embracing a clean lifestyle. Avoiding their company will keep the mind from making the unconscious decision that is undesirable.6] Leading a healthy lifestyle and diet is key to keeping the brain in good condition for making unconscious decisions, which scientists believe make up over 90% of all the decisions people make. A damaged brain or one deprived of adequate oxygen cannot be fully relied upon to make appropriate decisions unconsciously.That is the book link: Please do your best is the information you give before the quote that helps the quote make sense. The minimum context is the author states or Gladwell tells us, something like that.2] After you post your paragraph, read some of your group mates’ work. Comment with a minimum of 5 sentences to help a group mate improve his/her paragraph, ask a question, and you can tell them specifically what they did well. You can talk about the topic sentence parts, transitions, main point sentences, context, quotations, and explanation sentences.Body Paragraph #2 outline – unconscious decision makingTransition + Topic SentenceTopic : unconscious thinking / decision makingHow I feel : dislike it but can be goodHow I write : 1 bad / 2 goodTransition + Main pt 1 [unconscious bad]Context + quoteExplain how the quote supports main point 1Transition + Main pt 2 [unconscious good]Context + quoteExplain how the quote supports main point 2Transition + Main pt 3 [unconscious good]Context + quoteExplain how the quote supports main point 3Optional conclusion sentence
Requirements: depends on prompt
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