Posted: June 15th, 2022

What is your experience with the UMUC Career Services?

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Career exploration and planning is a continuing theme in our curriculum. Explore the UMUC Career Services web site as you prepare for this assignment. Please select the best starting point for this assignment and complete the appropriate activities.
What is your experience with the UMUC Career Services?
For the career exploration assignment, you are to prepare a one-page, two paragraph essay, double spaced. Use a 12-point font and have normal one-inch margins.
1st paragraph – What is your experience with the UMUC Career Services? (attached is Previous Assignment assist w/ compeleting 1st paragraph)
2nd paragraph – You are interviewing with an international accounting firm; explain how our course, ACCT425 would give you the advantage over other candidates to secure the job.
Completion of this essay illustrates your goals as they relate to our class in the framework of career exploration and planning (reference course objectives below). Post your report in your assignment folder.
Course Objectives:
Identify the role that political, cultural, social, legal and economic variables play in the development and practice of accounting in an international environment.
Develop strategies to manage foreign currency exposure, taxation and transfer-pricing issues.
Prepare and report financial statements according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Analyze and interpret financial statements in a multinational enterprise to inform financial decision making.

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