Posted: September 5th, 2022

What is your FAVORITE building? Explain why using features and the design of the building.

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“The assignment is about your favorite and least favorite buildings. In your own words, and using the course material discussed so far:
1. What is your FAVORITE building? Explain why using features and the design of the building. If you know the name of this building, please include in the answer. Also include where it is located.
2. What is your LEAST FAVORITE building? Explain why using features and the design of the building. If you know the name of this building, please include in the answer. Also include where it is located.”
– For the favorite building section I would want you to talk about Burj Khalifa located in Dubai and how it is very popular and looks perfect while my least favorite would be the Dancing House located in Prague because it is not proportional or stable

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