Posted: November 19th, 2022

What needs does it have that a coaching culture would address?

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For your final paper, write a proposal for developing a coaching culture in a particular organization. As the author of this proposal, it does not matter if you assume that you are an outside consultant or an internal consultant to that organization. Choose an organization that you know fairly well, or research one. Your proposal should be about 10-15 pages in length and include at least the following:
Cover page—Your name, company, and position and the title of the proposal.
Executive summary—Similar to an abstract, give the reader a quick understanding of the proposal
Organization Overview—Describe the organization and the current state of its coaching culture.
Needs—What challenges does the organization have? What needs does it have that a coaching culture would address?
Objectives—Measurable objectives for your particular plan.
Proposed plan—Details of the plan you propose. This is the heart of the proposal and should be at least 4-5 pages long. How exactly would you implement a comprehensive long-term plan for creating a coaching culture? You may want to break this section down into the various areas that you would address. You may want to include training topics (and summaries) and/or procedural or policy changes. Anything is fair game – use your creativity.
Implementation Timeline—In any format you like, give an indication of how long each part of your plan will take.
Outcomes—These should closely match your objectives.
Resources needed—You may approximate, but be sure to let the reader get an idea of what is involved to implement the plan.
Methods of evaluation—All programs should have built-in evaluation. How are you planning to determine how successful your program is as it is progressing?
Reference page with at least three supporting references (you may use class material or outside sources).
Please Follow Grading Rubric :
Total Possible Score: 18.00
Describes the Organization and the Current State of its Coaching Culture
Total: 3.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively describes the organization and the current state of its coaching culture including thorough descriptions of how the leaders, managers, and staff engage and develop their people and engage their stakeholders.
Proficient – Clearly describes the organization and the current state of its coaching culture including descriptions of how the leaders, managers, and staff engage and develop their people and engage their stakeholders. Most of the discussion is comprehensive.
Basic – Adequately describes the organization and the current state of its coaching culture including descriptions of how the leaders, managers, and staff engage and develop their people and engage their stakeholders. Some of the discussion is comprehensive.
Below Expectations – Minimally describes the organization and the current state of its coaching culture including limited descriptions of how the leaders, managers, and staff engage and develop their people and engage their stakeholders.
Non-Performance – Does not describe the organization and the current state of its coaching culture.
Diagnoses Needs of the Chosen Organization and Develops Objectives to Meet those Needs
Total: 3.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively diagnoses all of the challenges and needs that a coaching culture would address in the organization and develops detailed and specific objectives that would clearly address each of those needs.
Proficient – Fully identifies most of the challenges and needs that a coaching culture would address in the organization and develops several objectives that would address those needs, although one or two objectives may not be detailed and specific.
Basic – Adequately identifies some of the challenges and needs that a coaching culture would address in the organization and develops some objectives that would adequately address those needs, although some objectives are not detailed and specific.
Below Expectations – Minimally identifies a few challenges and needs that a coaching culture would address in the organization and briefly develops objectives that would probably address those needs, although most of the objectives are detailed and specific.
Non-Performance – Does not identify the challenges and needs that a coaching culture would address in the organization nor develops objectives that would address those needs.
Proposes a Thorough, Thought-Out Plan, Timeline, and Outcomes to Meet the Objectives
Total: 3.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively proposes a well thought-out and thorough plan, timeline, and measurable outcomes that meet all of the objectives.
Proficient – Fully proposes a thorough plan, timeline, and measurable outcomes that meet most of the objectives. Most of the discussion is comprehensive.
Basic – Adequately proposes a plan, timeline, and measurable outcomes that meet some of the objectives.
Below Expectations – Briefly proposes a plan, timeline, and a couple measurable or non-measurable outcomes that meet a few of the objectives.
Non-Performance – Does not propose a plan, timeline, and measurable outcomes that meets the objectives.
Describes all Resources Needed to Perform Plan as Presented
Total: 3.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively identifies and provides detailed descriptions of all resources that would be needed to perform the presented plan.
Proficient – Fully identifies and provides detailed descriptions of most resources that would be needed to perform the presented plan.
Basic – Adequately identifies and describes most resources that would be needed to perform the presented plan, although comprehensive detail is missing.
Below Expectations – Minimally identifies describes a couple of resources that would be needed to perform the presented plan.
Non-Performance – Does not identify and describe resources that would be needed to perform the presented plan.
Develops Methods of Evaluating the Plan
Total: 2.00
Distinguished – Comprehensively develops specific and thorough evaluation criteria for the plan and objectives.
Proficient – Fully develops specific evaluation criteria for the plan and objectives, although a couple of details may not be thorough.
Basic – Adequately develops evaluation criteria for the plan and objectives, although some details are not specific and thorough.
Below Expectations – Minimally develops evaluation criteria for the plan and objectives. Most details are not specific and thorough.
Non-Performance – Does not develop evaluation criteria for the plan and objectives.
Written Communication: Control of Syntax and Mechanics
Total: 1.00
Distinguished – Displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
Proficient – Displays comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains only a few minor errors and is mostly easy to understand.
Basic – Displays basic comprehension of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains a few errors which may slightly distract the reader.
Below Expectations – Fails to display basic comprehension of syntax or mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains major errors which distract the reader.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: APA Formatting
Total: 1.00
Distinguished – Accurately uses APA formatting consistently throughout the paper, title page, and reference page.
Proficient – Exhibits APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout contains a few minor errors.
Basic – Exhibits limited knowledge of APA formatting throughout the paper. However, layout does not meet all APA requirements.
Below Expectations – Fails to exhibit basic knowledge of APA formatting. There are frequent errors, making the layout difficult to distinguish as APA.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.
Written Communication: Evidence and Sources
Total: 2.00
Distinguished – Demonstrates consistent use of reliable, appropriate sources and/or evidence to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing.
Proficient – Demonstrates mostly consistent use of reliable sources that are appropriate to the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources offer some support to the ideas in the writing.
Basic – Demonstrates somewhat inconsistent use of sources that are mostly reliable to the discipline and genre of the writing. Sources offer little support to the ideas in the writing.
Below Expectations – Inconsistently utilizes sources and/or evidence that may be unrelated and offer little support to the ideas in the writing.
Non-Performance – The assignment is either nonexistent or lacks the components described in the instructions.

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