Posted: November 4th, 2022

What ought to be included in a business plan?

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In a minimum of two pages, in paragraph form, address each of the following questions:
1.Discuss what an entrepreneur might do in order to increase the success rate of his or her small business. Approach this from both the perspective of new and established business owners who would be seeking and using this help. Be specific.
2.Describe the role of the business plan. What ought to be included in a business plan?
3.Research which specific organizations are available to help small businesses in our area.
-A minimum of 2 full pages – not including the title page and reference page.
-Do not use direct quotes. Be sure to paraphrase. Do not copy and paste. –
-Do not use internet sources.
-Make sure your paper begins with a Level One Heading: Introduction (Do not confuse an Introduction with an Abstract)
-Include a properly formatted APA cover sheet.
-Include a properly formatted APA reference page.
-Use 12 point Times New Roman font.
-Double-space the entire paper.
-Accurate In-text citations must be included.
-APA documentation and formatting style used appropriately (including in-text citations, reference entries, and format).

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