Posted: November 7th, 2022

What should be avoided to have a professional image in your career

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You will create a 2- to 3-page paper to consider professional presence in your chosen career (Clinical Research Associate) . This paper will demonstrate the importance of managing professional presence for career success and will cover specific practices regarded as essential for professionals in your career.
Content Requirements:
The paper should include:
An introduction
A description of your career of choice
What needs to be done to establish a professional image in your career
What needs to be done to maintain a professional image in your career
What should be avoided to have a professional image in your career
The potential consequences that can occur if one lacks professional image in your career
A conclusion
You should utilize two academic sources (minimum of two in-text citations, with sources listed on the reference page).
Your writing should demonstrate consistency of your clearly established viewpoint throughout the paper and a clear logical flow as you apply reasoning.
Make sure your writing is original and insightful.
Grammatical/Format Requirements:
Paper must be a Word® document (.doc or .docx file) that is 2–3 pages in length, double-spaced, using Times New Roman or Arial font size 12.
A minimum of two academic sources must be used, and appropriate academic documentation should be used to provide credit.
Paper must include a title page and a reference page (not included in the 2–3 pages of content).
Paper must adhere to Standard English with correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Minimum submission requirements:
*All of the following requirements must be met, and are required for grading
Submission is a Word Document
Paper has 2-3 pages of content (double spaced, 12pt proper font)
Paper has a title page and a reference page
At least two academic sources are cited in the paper and listed on the reference page

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