Posted: November 21st, 2022

What should the governance mechanism be for driving the business to trade finance on a blockchain-based process in a robust manner while maintaining the integrity of the transactions? c.

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The topic covered in this case is the challenges faced by organizations while porting the traditional trade finance process to a blockchain-based system.
What are the governance challenges and the mechanisms required? What should the pricing be? Some knowledge of blockchain is assumed.
The objectives of this case study and learning can be described in three parts. Please read and study the case thoroughly and answer questions below clearly and concisely. 2-4 pages are recommended.
1. To understand the traditional trade finance process:
a. What is the role of banks in the trade finance process?
b. What rare the bottlenecks in the traditional trade finance process?
2. To understand blockchain technology (a type of distributed ledger technology, DLT) and its role in transforming the traditional trade finance process:
a. Why do banks need to form consortia to implement blockchain-based trade financing?
3. To understand the challenges in moving the traditional trade finance process to a blockchain-based systems:
a. How can all players (corporate clients, freight carriers, insurers, customers, etc. ) be moved t the blockchain-based trade ecosystem?
b. What should the governance mechanism be for driving the business to trade finance on a blockchain-based process in a robust manner while maintaining the integrity of the transactions?
c. Are any organizational and governance changes required for implementing the use? If yes, what is the the nature of there changes?
d. How should HSBC price its trade finance services? What changes are required, if any?

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