Posted: August 6th, 2022

What the Microsoft Antitrust Case Taught Us” The objective is not a research paper nor a summary of the article. Its intent is to demonstrate a critical analysis of the article’s content by relating to the economics concepts introduced in this course thus far.

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Written Assignment
This week’s assignment is an article analysis. “What the Microsoft
Antitrust Case Taught Us”
The objective is not a research paper nor a summary of the
article. Its intent is to demonstrate a
critical analysis of the article’s content by relating to the economics
concepts introduced in this course thus far. Papers should be no more than 3 pages, typed, and double-spaced using
one-inch margins. To guide your efforts,
do not write simply to demonstrate what you know. Write to demonstrate what you know because it
relates to or explains concepts related to this course. Papers will be evaluated based on the degree to
which students accurately understand and apply the specific language and methodology
of managerial economics and recognize problems and theoretical underpinnings of
a given issue.
Additional information
How US antitrust law works, and what it means for Big Tech
The new age of corporate monopolies

Note: Please, use introduction and please use headings!
Thank you.

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