Posted: September 20th, 2022

What theoretical concept(s) did the leader(s) consider?

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Write a three-page essay discussing a. the ideas of Team as described in our textbook, b. From each article, discuss the similarities in Team building from the theoretical to practice. Ex: Why was the project envisioned – what issue(s) or goal(s) was the leader(s) addressing or trying to achieve? What theoretical concept(s) did the leader(s) consider? What did the leader(s) do to bring the envisioned into practice – discuss the steps or stages that were taken. What was the result of the project, i.e. were the goal(s) as envisioned reached, were the issues resolved – explain? NOTE: Your essays are an expression of the knowledge that you have acquired from the material. It is important to be mindful of what and how you present your deliverables for this graduate level course.
Submit in Blackboard email to Professor Scott – only
Due on or before Sept. 19. 2022

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