Posted: October 3rd, 2022

What type of leadership style works best during a pandemic such as the novel Coronavirus?

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The Harvard Business article “Real leaders are forged in crisis” by Nancy Koehn (2020) stated that leaders inspire people through difficult times. The situation is changing by the day-even by the hour. Leaders must act quickly, adapt boldly, reliably deliver, and engage for impact. The best leaders are adaptable to changing external environment, and skillful at crisis management. Crisis management is the process by which an organization deals with a disruptive event that threatens to harm the organization or its stakeholder. What type of leadership style works best during a pandemic such as the novel Coronavirus? Why? Do you think Coupang CEO, Kim Bom is a good leader? If so, why? If not, please explain. Please be sure to add your own insights and comments and draw clear links to the course content

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