Posted: October 12th, 2022

What values inform Lulu Wang’s view that her family is misguided in keeping the grandmother’s diagnosis from her?

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Read and analyze the materials. Then, Choose 1 of the following questions for your RR.
Reading: Hahn, R.A. & Kleinman, A, 1983. “Belief as Pathogen, Belief as Medicine: “Voodoo Death” and the “Placebo Phenomenon” in Anthropological Perspective”, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol.14, No.4, pp.3, 16-19.
Podcast: Wang, Lulu. 2017. “In Defense of Ignorance,” Radio Podcast Story From This American Life.
1. Hahn and Kleinman criticize the common sense assumption that any effects attributed to a ‘placebo’ are ‘unreal,’ explaining that this assumption is rooted in a Cartesian dualism that separates the mind from the body. More specifically, they assert: “The common biomedical perception constructs the ambivalent terms “medication” and “administration” as physical “things” rather than as relations: that is, medication is regarded as a concrete object rather than as the social act of giving this “thing” (p.17). Drawing on their broader argument in this article, explain how they re-conceptualize the placebo effects based on this understanding. Also, explain the related concept of the ‘nocebo’ effect.
2. Hahn and Kleinman argue that mind and beliefs are ‘embodied, while the body is ‘mindful’ (p.16). Further, they describe how human beings’ central nervous system processes symbolic perceptions in experience” (pp.3, 16). Give some examples of this processing, either from the article or from your own life. What questions, concerns, or ideas does this perspective raise for you?
3. What values inform Lulu Wang’s view that her family is misguided in keeping the grandmother’s diagnosis from her? What values and sense of obligation motivated the family’s decisions and the actions they took after learning about the diagnosis? How does Hahn and Kleinman’s article help make sense of Lulu’s family’s story?
Hahn: Attachbcied in files

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