Posted: April 4th, 2022

What was Baldwin’s place in the Civil Rights Movement?

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1)Consider what you’ve read in the book and seen in the video (and perhaps what you know from elsewhere). What was Baldwin’s place in the Civil Rights Movement? We often get an oversimplified view of the movement that reduces things to a King vs. X binary–non-violence vs. militancy. Of course, both of those men were far more complicated than those short descriptions provide. And the movement itself had a multitude of dimensions. How does Baldwin fit in with this large, complex movement? 2) When the Black Lives Matter movement began in the 2010s, many supporters held up Baldwin as the most important voice from the older civil rights movement for people in the new one. One major figure in BLM, Ta-Nehisi Coates, even wrote a major book as a follow-up to The Fire Next Time (Between the World and Me, written as a letter to his son, just as Baldwin wrote his essay to his nephew). Why do you think Baldwin has continued to have powerful relevance and is promoted by those within the movement perhaps more so than even King or X?

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