Posted: February 23rd, 2022

What were the challenges the Town of Cary was facing?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Application Case2.3Town of Cary Uses Analytics to Analyze Data from Sensors, Assess Demand, and Detect ProblemsWhat were the challenges the Town of Cary was facing?
What was the proposed solution?
What were the results?
What other problems and data analytics solutions do you foresee for towns like Cary?
Application Case2.4Predicting NCAA Bowl Game OutcomesWhat are the foreseeable challenges in predicting sporting event outcomes (e.g., college bowl games)?
How did the researchers formulate/design the prediction problem (i.e., what were the inputs and output, and what was the representation of a single sample—row of data)?
How successful were the prediction results? What else can they do to improve the accuracy?
Requirements: 2-3 pages   |   .doc file

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