Posted: May 6th, 2022

What were the typical rooms in a 17th century Massachusetts house?

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Hello, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. This assignment is a 3 page paper on an Article on the Early Massachusetts home by Abbott Cummings. Please read through the attached Article and use nothing else but that to inform the paper. Here are the questions about the article that must be answered in the Paper, Please answer all of them and add any additional insights that you think would be appropriate, Thank you! The questions do not have to be answered in order, but please make sure to include all and give each section at least its own paragraph.
1- What were the typical rooms in a 17th century Massachusetts house?
List the furnishings that would typically be found in each room.
2- What kinds of evidence did Cummings use to reconstruct the typical home?
3- Then develop a discussion of specific things we can learn about colonial society by examining its domestic architecture and its furnishings and other material culture. In this part of the paper, list several documented furnishings or objects and try to determine aspects of how they figured in the owners’ lives.
Please reach out with any questions.

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