Posted: November 7th, 2022

What would be some boundaries you would set if you were to add your child as an authorized user?

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REQUIREMENT 1: Read Give Your Child Some Credit by Emma Patch
REQUIREMENT 2: Write a brief (one page) response answering the following questions:
What is an authorized user on a credit card? How do the purchases made by both the account owner and authorized user affect each person’s credit?
Do you think you would ever add a child as an authorized user to a credit card in your name? If you have done so, what has been your experience? Or, have you been added as an authorized user to your parent’s account, if so, what was your experience?
What would be some boundaries you would set if you were to add your child as an authorized user? If you have added a child or been added onto an account, what boundaries were set?
Why is it important to start building good credit now?
Submit a paper that is 1 page.

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