Posted: February 19th, 2022

What would the advantages and disadvantages of the information system be?

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The CEO and CIO in your company wants to propose a new information system that may have a strategic impact on the business. They believe that by gathering data on competitors’ customers, the business will gain a significant competitive advantage. You are the primary lead when applying technology to the business and you have been asked for your opinion about this new opportunity.
Write a 4-5 page summary of your opinion on this idea, addressing the following questions:
What would the advantages and disadvantages of the information system be?
Identify the type of information system this would represent.
What ethical problems might this type of system introduce? Provide at least 2 examples of potential problems.
Address this type of information system with respect to how organizational decision making might be impacted.
Does it matter whether the customers are individuals or businesses? Why or why not?
Make sure your paper is written in the APA style and include a cover page and references page, neither of which count towards the page length requirement. Support your opinion and any arguments you make with sources. Although you are expressing your opinion, it is also a critical business communication. You are to write in the third person and use an academic tone, avoiding casual embellishment or emotional appeal.

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