Posted: March 2nd, 2022

What would you do if your employer asked you to design a piece that went against your ethics?

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a design question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.If you think about it, design is everywhere! From the signs we read, to the packages of the products we buy, to the stores and buildings we visit—design surrounds us!A design solution has the ability to do many things. It can persuade, inform, identify, motivate, enhance, organize, brand, rouse, locate, engage, and carry many levels of meaning. A design solution can be so effective that it influences behavior. You may choose a particular product at a store simply because of the package design, read a book after seeing the book cover, or attend a concert after viewing a poster. Take a moment and reflect on the importance of ethics in design.Questions:Why are ethics in art and design important to practice?
What would you do if your employer asked you to design a piece that went against your ethics?
How does it help our cause as Christians to practice ethically?
Is there scripture to support your answer?
The answer for the question is about 200 words. I’ll send you two examples later, and then I’ll ask you to write two 100-word responses
Requirements: 400 words

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