Posted: October 22nd, 2022

Whatever plant is most popular and wanted we will go forward with producing it.

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The decision facing Nature on Tap is to whether or not they should continue to innovate beyond their already existing successful birch and coconut water line. New alternative waters sourced from cactus and other plant species is of recent buzz in the alternative water consumer communuity. Nature on tap must decide if theyre going to tap into (no pun intended) this rising interest in other alternative waters besides coconut and birch.
2. Factors such as consumer interest and demand are important in this decision situation that Nature on Tap is currently in. Health awareness is on the rise and many people are looking for ways to become healthier. Besdies from coconut and birch water there’s an array of other plants that can be added to water for health benefits. Nature on Tap should innovate beyond their already existing and successful line of water and venture into Maple, bamboo and cactus waters. The company should conduct surveys to get an idea of what consumers would be interested in pertaining to other alternative waters. Not everybody is going to be interested in drinking olive water.
3. An alternative to Nature on Taps current plan which is venturing more into alternative waters is to try and make a mark in the “luxury water” business. Some examples include Fiji and Voss waters. Nature on tap should stray away from flavored waters and try and compete with big water brands. Another possible alternative Nature on Tap could do is to venture into the energy drink industry but with a twist. They could find a way to make a safer, healthier alternative to big na ebrand energy drinks like Monster, Red bull etc.
4. The decision I recommend as the marekting manager at Nature on Tap is to remain course and continue to innovate and create new water profiles with different flavor profiles and benefits. For example there’s been recent studies showing the benefits of Vitamin C as it pertains to keeping a healthy immune system. At Nature on Tap we are working on creating a flavorful yet healthy water that is packed with Vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals that help keep your immune system strong and functioning.
5. Ways in which we will impliment my recommendation is to conduct surveys into what consumers who are interested in our products want to see next. Whatever plant is most popular and wanted we will go forward with producing it.

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