Posted: February 14th, 2022

When it comes to causation, Aristotle mentions 4 kinds of causation. Scientists today, actually, would only mention efficient causes.

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Learning Goal:

I’m working on a psychology question and need guidance to help me learn.

1. When it comes to causation, Aristotle mentions 4 kinds of causation. Scientists today, actually, would only mention efficient causes.

What are these formal and final causes, respectively? Give your own examples. Do these kinds of causation exist at all?

2. Aristotle insists that happiness is only produced by developing certain virtues.

What is a virtue, exactly? Why does he think specific virtues are necessary to be happy? Do you agree, or not?

3. Aristotle’s view of the soul is really not the Christian one. What is his view of the soul? What survives death? What would this survival be like? Explain.pick and answer one question pls
Requirements: 3-4 paragraphs

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