Posted: October 13th, 2022

When researching your element you should consider the following:

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You have been assigned the element zirconium (Zeff). When researching your element you should consider the following:
What are the chemical and physical properties of your element?
Who discovered your element and when?
Where is it found in nature, how is it extracted?
What are the main uses/application of your element?
Each student will make a presentation on their element using PowerPoint software.
Students can use a maximum of 8 slides for their presentation. This should result in a presentation of approximately 5 minutes. The following guidelines is to help you make an impressive, professional presentation in the time allotted. When putting your presentation together consider the following
What does the audience know already and what do you want them to learn? Outline your story. You want your presentation to have a logical flow.
Stick to the key ideas. Avoid description of specifics and unnecessary details. Strive for clarity.
Each slide should address a single concept.
Slides should follow a logical progression, with each building upon the other.
Do not overload your slides with too much text or data. Too much text makes a slide unreadable. Stick to a few key words. If your audience is reading the slides they are not paying attention to you. Keep your points short.
Use a font of 44 for titles, 28 to 34 for subtitles, and 28 to 34 with a bold font for text. Use contrast: Light on dark background or dark on light, and be consistent.
Cite your source on the same slide as the information, using a smaller size font.
Example. Charun, P. J.; Bradford, C. M. Chem. Mater. 2002, 17, 123.
Do not use animations or “cute” templates in your presentation. Give all slides a title.

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