Posted: November 19th, 2022

When working remotely, how can you affectively communicate

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Project 2 – Teamwork
Teamwork is vital in any business; Very few can survive with only one employee. You have been reading
about team dynamics, communicating in teams, influence and conflict and negotiation. After reading
about all this, you have gained an understanding of how they work and how you might fit into them. Also,
what your natural tendencies might be in teams and where you might grow to manage and work in
teams more successfully.
This project will be a “recap” on all this learning and your own reflections of it. The points and time for
this project are in-place of reading a chapter and taking a quiz. Please take your time this week to think
about yourself and these important aspects of teamwork to answer the questions below.
1. In your experience, in your workplace or in your future company, what is the most affective team
type? Why? Who should make up the team, how big should it be how can you diversify its
members? How do we build it up and what culture do we need in the company for its success?
Use Chapter 7 and this video about teams and culture and this video on types of workers to
compare ideas. (Min. 2 paragraphs, 10 points)
2. After watching this video about teams and communication, note how it is different or the same
as your opinions you gained in Chapter 8. What communication channels are most affective?
How should you deal with emotions when communicating in teams? How should you use (or
avoid) social media in your work? When working remotely, how can you affectively communicate
emotions and non-verbal communications? In what areas of communication can you grow and
how can you grow in these areas? (Min. 2 paragraphs, 10 points)
3. When learning about power and influence in the workplace (Chapter 9), where do you exist on
this spectrum? Even CEOs and business owners have bosses; as an employee or a “boss,” what
type of power do you want and how will you get it? This video talks about (generational)
leadership, but how will you lead if you don’t have power? (Min. 2 paragraphs, 10 points)
4. Inevitably, when conflict arises, how will you handle it? Whether it be generational or simply a
difference of opinion, how you handle stress at work can make or break you… as an employee,
manager, boss and business owner. Using what you’ve learned about your interpersonal conflict-
handling style (Chapter 10) and your own emotional intelligence, how will you manage conflict at
work? Do you agree with the opinion of this video on using conflict (start at 8:40)? What insights
can you give about yourself and managing conflict? (Min. 2 paragraphs, 10 points)

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