Posted: October 21st, 2022

When writing an essay you want to make sure you have a strong thesis statement, a good introduction, as well as a conclusion; and plenty of evidence to back up and prove your points.

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* I can screenshot information from the text book*
In the decades following the War of Independence, many Americans, in both the North and the South, assumed that slavery in the United States would slowly die out. It was already clear that slavery was becoming economically less viable parts of the South, and that trend was expected to continue. The advent of large-scale cotton cultivation in the early nineteenth century, however, changed everything. Assess the impact of large-scale cotton cultivation on the institution of slavery. What connections can you draw between cotton and the expansion of slavery? Between cotton and the territorial expansion of the United States?
Be sure to use plenty of specific facts, names, dates, and/or accomplishments, to bolster your arguments. When writing an essay you want to make sure you have a strong thesis statement, a good introduction, as well as a conclusion; and plenty of evidence to back up and prove your points. You can cite information from any of the videos in our lesson folders, textbook or DB forums. Lastly, there is a 800 word minimum requirement for this essay. When you are writing your essay on the REVEL platform you do have the ability to write and store publish versions of your work.

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