Posted: May 13th, 2022

Where is Levi’s on spectrums of differentiation and cost leadership

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S‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍trategic Management Course Case Study Instructions: To complete the case studies, read the corresponding case study in our textbook, and respond to all the prompts in Canvas; when responding: •Demonstrate that you’ve read the case study by incorporating the facts of the case in your responses as appropriate (you may draw from information regarding the focal company that doesn’t appear in the case, but if you rely entirely on non-case information, you will not fulfill this portion of the assignment. •Demonstrate that you understand the relevant textbook chapter(s) for the module and prompts, by appropriately referring to the chapter’s frameworks, theories, and key concepts in your responses (some of my prompts should lead you towards specific concepts, but feel free to draw from ideas throughout the chapter and entire textbook). Case Study Assignment: Respond to the following prompts in one to five sentences: Based on the information in the case (and as of the case’s date, Early 2000’s) • What is Levi’s strategy? o Where is Levi’s on spectrums of differentiation and cost leadership? What are other important elements of Levi’s strategy? Would these change under CCTC’s proposal? • How is Levi’s able to differ‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍entiate? o Which source(s) of differentiation are relevant (see Chapter 5 and Table of textbook for sources)? o Which of Levi’s capabilities/resources are most important for maintaining a differentiation advantage? • Evaluate the external environment and its strategic implications at two levels: o Broader industry: apparel manufacturers o Specific industry: jeans manufacturers ? How attractive is its industry what are the key industry forces and success factors? o Do any major manufactures of jeans (with substantial market share) have broader product offerings (. jeans < 50% of total revenue) ? Should Levi widen their offering offerings (if so to where) based on the analysis of its competitors (both those who are focused and diversified) • Analyze CCTC’s proposal & its impact on Levi’s participation in the value chain? o What does the value chain look like for Levi’s with & without the CCTC offer? o How else could Levi’s adjust its participation in the value chain? o Evaluate potential outcomes – Do Levi’s resources/capabilities support implementing CCTC’s offer; what are the strategic and financial upside and downside and how certain are the outcomes (. impact of external environment change, relia‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍bility of the cost savings estimates, etc.)

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