Posted: May 11th, 2022

Where is the commodity grown in California?Wheat

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Professor instruction:
Please research and develop a four-page (typed, double spaced) report on your agricultural commodity. Papers should inclue appropriate references in standard APA format. Think of this paper as an expanded, “full-length” version of the Fact Sheet you have developed for your specific commodity. Include information such as origin, historical development, world supply and demand, and geographical distribution (where is the commodity grown?). Please also address standard cultural practices (how is it grown and processed?). Finally, include information specific to the economics of production in the world, United States and California (if available). Where is the commodity grown in California? What is it worth? Where does the commodity rank in the United States or California agriculture? What are the uses of the commodity?
My instruction:
My crop is Wheat and must follow the guidelines of including these requirements;
historical development,
world supply and demand,
geographical distribution (where is the commodity grown?).
cultural practices (how is it grown and processed?).
economics of production in the world, the United States, and California (if available).
Where is the commodity grown in California? What is it worth? Where does the commodity rank in the United States or California agriculture? What are the uses of the commodity?
Do these bull points as subheadings in my paper to make it easier for the reader. My audience are my classmates but make the information very simple to understand. This assignment is designed to inform them and get their interest. All these should come from California, if not available, then make the information you can find in the perceptive of the United States, but mainly information from California.
I’m attaching my rubric

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